Some people dream of success. We make it happen. Our Mission is Your Success!
Our Career Success Services focus on helping individual clients achieve success in their career, work and life. For organizations we can assist in everything from employee development to outplacement.
Our services include career counseling, targeted resume development, job search assistance, government career services, Federal job search assistance, interview preparation, career success management and more. Learn more.
If you are interested in starting a business you need an advisor and team of experts to guide you to success. To show you what type of entity to start, help you develop your business and marketing plan, pick a location, obtain financing, develop your website and marketing materials, analyze competitors and much more. This is where we come. We offer services to help you from feasibility to start up to management and to long-term growth. Learn more.
It is said that leaders are not born, they are developed. This is true and if you are a leader in an organization or striving to become a leader then we can help you develop the essential skills, characteristics, traits and qualities needed to lead effectively and successfully.
For organizations we can help your employees become better performers and assist you in building teams what will produce results that achieve the organization's objectives. Learn more.

Religious organizations such as churches and non-profits and are important to our society. As with for profit businesses, non-profit and faith based organizations must also be concerned with meeting the needs of their clients and customers. The Diversa Group specializes in providing non-profit and religious organizations consulting and training services in the areas of: Financial Management, Taxes, Risk Management, Human Resources and Technology Solutions. Learn more.
Successful companies, organizations and people understand communicating a targeted, powerful and persuasive message to the intended audience is the key to achieving success. It has to be the right message with the right impact. In today's world of 24/7 news and information strategic communications has become more critical. Our services can help you develop and implement a strategic communications plan that achieves desired results. From branding to dealing with crisis we can help. Learn more.
We provide clients a diverse range of intelligence, security, risk mitigation and support services. Our focus is to provide innovative solutions tailored to meet the specific strategic needs of each client. Our services include: Intelligence Collection & Analysis, Political & Security Risk Analysis, Business & Competitive Intelligence, Market Intelligence, Risk management, Security Management and Consultancy, Travel Security, Crisis management, Specialized Training and more. Learn more.
A man can succeed at almost anything for which he has unlimited enthusiam.
- Charles M. Schwab