Heyward Dortch, Founder & CEO
Heyward Dortch is the Founder and CEO of The Diversa Group, Inc, a global management and consulting company. The firm was established in 1995 and its services are provided to clients worldwide. Mr. Dortch provides visionary leadership for The Diversa Group and work directly with business owners, prospective business owners and other clients providing development and consulting services on starting, operating and managing their businesses. In addition, he consults and provides development and consulting services for officers and leaders of faith based and non-profit organization in the development and implementation of sound leadership, management, accounting, budgeting, customer service and risk management practices.
In addition, Mr. Dortch developed the business plan for Northern High School, Detroit, Michigan, to start a franchise sign operation. Prior to founding The Diversa Group, Inc, Heyward Dortch was Executive Vice President of Michigan Consolidated Homes Limited Dividend Housing Corp, a subsidiary of Michigan Consolidated Gas Company. There he was responsible for the operation and management of all the company’s housing development functions. At MichCon, Mr. Dortch rose from the rank of being a Senior Auditor, Administrator, and other positions before being appointed Executive Vice President of the subsidiary.